organizational training

Leadership Development &

Effective communication is one of the most critical tools in a manager's arsenal. It differentiates between a leader who merely gives orders and a leader who inspires others to act, appealing to their desires

Therefore, it is surprising that few practical training or coaching programs help managers effectively use words. 

You are in good hands now! 

A new superpower for managers:
convince like a champion debater

I offer personal training or training for small groups of managers which takes the secrets of the most successful debaters in the world and turns them into practical tools for communication up and down the organization.

In a series of weekly meetings (or at a similar frequency), we will learn and apply persuasion, communication, and public speaking skills. As a first step, we’ll establish a common language. We will learn universal techniques and templates for a variety of management situations. Using all of these, we will gradually develop more advanced skills tailored to your specific requirements. As we move forward, practice will be based on a variety of scenarios related to your field of activity and responsibilities. Throughout the process, you will receive sharp, clear, and immediate feedback from me.

We can work together on various projects you must complete if you wish. These may include writing a speech, giving a lecture or presentation, preparing for an important meeting, and drawing specific conclusions from meetings and events you attended. 

5 steps
to training super managers

Introductory conversation and planning

We will get to know one another (position, company, responsibilities, tasks), understand what your particular needs and challenges are, establish a starting point for work, and raise initial thoughts and expectations.

Curriculum development.

We will use two main axes to design our lesson plans:

    1. A conceptual infrastructure used as a foundation for universal communication and persuasion. Adapting these concepts to the organization's particular context and applying them to relevant cases.
    2. Effective practice: adapted to actual or analogous situations. Instant feedback from me.

Participation in the lessons themselves

over a set period..

Update and improvement of future lessons

based on the progress, questions, examples, and requests you provided during our practice.

Summary of the process and key takeaways.

Organizational and individual goals

Lesson topics

Ideal for

Interested in investing in a valuable tool for work and life in general?

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