Featured lectures

Learn to say the right thing at the right time

The rhetoric and debate lectures will give employees (and everyone in fact) a fun, challenging, broadening horizons and practical opportunity to improve the soft skills most needed in the 21st century: conversation, communication, persuasion and presentation skills in front of customers, colleagues, managers, subordinates (and even on the way spouses, family and friends)

What Are We Arguing About Anyway?

The best intro to professional persuasion!

In this workshop, you will learn techniques for making your case impactfully.

Ultimate Meeting Management

Like almost everyone in the workforce, you've probably experienced the frustration of attending unproductive meetings that drag on forever and don't accomplish anything. 

The Client Connection: Maintaining A Successful Relationship Through Effective Communication

The most valuable asset of any service provider is its clients (or, of course, patients and mentees).

Words Well Chosen

Debate in the real world is primarily won by whoever controls the words and concepts that shape the discourse.

Presentation Fundamentals (aka Savvy Storytelling)

If there is any tool that can dramatically improve any presentation, it is good structure and order.

Lecture Series: How to argue about…

General knowledge and broad horizons are inseparable parts of conducting a fruitful discussion and convincing anyone.

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