Listen, Engage, Articulate, Persuade

The way to master words that matter

The LEAP method was developed to help debaters I trained to gain a competitive edge and all the tools for success. More importantly, it provides my clients - all intelligent individuals but not necessarily expert debaters - with the most practical and accessible techniques to communicate effectively and persuade in the contexts that matter to them.

The 4 fundamental
principles of persuasion

Listen, Engage, Articulate, Persuade


Whether it is in a debate, discussion, or pitch, you cannot convince without listening attentively. What exactly did they understand? What do they contest? What do they actually agree with? These are crucial for staying on topic, creating a pleasant atmosphere, and getting results. We will learn to actively listen, acknowledge our opposition accurately, and respond quickly.


Whether it is in a debate, discussion, or pitch, you cannot convince without listening attentively. What exactly did they understand? What do they contest? What do they actually agree with? These are crucial for staying on topic, creating a pleasant atmosphere, and getting results. We will learn to actively listen, acknowledge our opposition accurately, and respond quickly.


True persuasion is grounded in reality, explained in detail, easy to comprehend, and specific. Plain yet unambiguous language is better than fancy words conveying a cryptic message. Word choice impacts the clarity, memorability, and impact of your message. A person's ability to construct their ideas is as crucial as speaking fluently. Our goal is to learn how to create proven, analyzed, and moving arguments, structure them logically and effectively; and communicate them coherently.


The ultimate goal after implementing the previous steps. It will often start with someone uttering, "Wow, there's something to it", and will continue with willingness, enthusiasm, and action in our favor.

The need

When I was a competitive debater, I saw that understanding the basics of debate relies mainly on excellent rhetorical instruction, but the acquisition of advanced skills comes from years of training, talent, and intuitive perception. Furthermore, proficiency in transferring debate tools to other situations in life - professional presentations, negotiations, job interviews, meeting management, or even spontaneous debates in real life - isn't adequately taught. 

The rest is history...

In light of this understanding, I added lessons and models based on my extensive experience and past successes to the existing body of knowledge. I transformed what is an art or an inborn talent into simple patterns and formulas that anyone can follow. I have distilled the principles underlying the most persuasive speeches and arguments and perfected teaching methods. Also, adapting them to situations where the purpose is not to subdue an opponent, but to arrive at the truth, make decisions, or call for action. I developed unique practices and simulations for business, entrepreneurship, and politics communication. 

Alongside that, I kept the unrepeatable magic of the encounter (which makes it a one-of-a-kind learning experience). My feedback remains an integral component and source of added value. Self-improvement advice is always based on your actual performance. All speeches, presentations, and arguments are based on your ideas. Ultimately, you are the star of the show, and we will ensure you feel confident with the persona you present on stage.

The result
anyone can be persuasive

The method's 9
basic assumptions

Words matter. We hold incredible power in our speech. Saying the right thing at the right time opens doors and creates opportunities. The key is to learn how to do it. The most influential messages appeal to a person's mind, heart, and gut.

The most influential messages appeal to a person's mind, heart, and gut.

As there is no objective and neutral judge in real life, we must generate in others the willingness to be persuaded. No "magic formula" will persuade every person in every situation, so you need a toolbox for persuasion. The techniques and wisdom of when, how, and how much to use each one, are the things I teach.

We can achieve what we want with real persuasion and rhetoric - without cheap tricks, manipulation, or demagoguery. It is also possible to defend against and defeat the manipulations used against us.

Everyone is capable of making excellent arguments - you only have to learn how to harness your initial intuitions, develop them, and organize them convincingly. It is possible to see big improvements in a short time when you have the right tools and professional guidance!

Properly using debate skills prevents unnecessary fights and contributes to developing a healthy discussion culture.

There are always at least two sides to an argument. The sooner we recognize this, the better our chances are of convincing the unconvinced. At the same time, we should not waste time on those unwilling to be convinced.

Content and style are closely related principles. An organized speech structure can dramatically improve delivery. Stylistic emphasis on the correct word can completely alter the meaning of a sentence. To communicate well, it is imperative to consider everything holistically.

Practicing smartly and receiving expert feedback is key to assimilating learned principles and creating lasting improvement. The ability to improvise and feel confident on stage comes from careful preparation and experience.

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